I was wondering why the internet had suddenly lost interest in the size of my pen!s after expressing such repeated concern on a daily basis.
The Washington Post
The volume of junk e-mail sent worldwide dropped drastically today after a Web hosting firm identified by the computer security community as a major host of organizations allegedy engaged in spam activity was taken offline, according to security firms that monitor spam distribution online.
The last time I noticed a lull in spam emails gated to my cell phone was right about the time the Russian cyberforce started attacking Georgia. This was a week or two before the actual invasion, if memory serves; bolstering the Georgian contention that the Russians were moving in long before any "provocative" moves the Georgians may have made.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that it's an actual shutdown of spammers this time.
How would you like to save on the mortgage you're taking out so you can afford to have that enlargement and fully enjoy the HOT YOUNG SLUTS, at least until that Nigerian widow comes through with half of the $26M her late husband stole from the government?
[x] Delete
Every now and then I do get some gems. My favorite to date, "How Stella got her Tube Back".
ReplyDeleteI almost opened that one just out of appreciation.
Or, "CNN Alert:Paris Hilton Vows not to Write Book Until She's Read One"