...but now I only wonder why I wondered...
So, I have a friend (shocker, I know) who alternately lives in Europe and the Middle East and is a deeply-imprinted Bush-Hater (and the shocks just keep on comin').
We were trading emails, and he started off on one of his glazed-eye jags about how 'racist' America is and how everything America does is just another "Christian Crusade Against Brown People" who, at the brass-tacks, America hates more than anything else, of course.
I replied, saying something to the effect of "Looks like you're going to have to revisit the holy meme-generator, 'cause I think that one's officially fallen by the wayside, Sparky - or ain't you been watching the news - I think even Al-Jazeera covered that one."
He went quiet for a little while, but later came back with:
"I was actually thinking about bush. He has put Obama is such a mess, that I think the first Black western president is going to prove that dark people can not rule the west. Perfect for people like you. Without a miracle , Obama doesn’t have a chance. No one does."
So there it is.
I had kind of wondered, you know, what all the screaming Leftist/Socialist/BDS-afflicted were going to do once Bush was gone?
- What would they shriek about?
- Who would they blame when their shirts came back with too much starch?
- Where would the Che-Che's go when they couldn't cry on the couch anymore?
Why. Did. I. Even. Wonder?
It's as obvious as the alternative is Unthinkable.
Throughout the (interminably long) election, Obama was heralded far & wide as the Messiah - "The One"
- HE would bring us back from the Great Dark Time of Bush
- HE would find our way back into the Good Graces of the Global Commmunity
- HE would lower the rising Oceans, heal the earth and the streets would run with Milk & Honey
People screamed and fainted at his rallies as though he were the Beatles and the Main Stream Media blatantly carried his water, flatly refusing to to allow attention to be brought to his Far-Socialist voting record in the Senate, his utter lack of experience at running anything, his life-long associations with terrorists, criminals, open racists and just-as-open America-Haters, or even his own statements advocating defeat in war, capitulation to terrorist-states, protectionist trade policies sure to damage the economy and the calculated, deliberate weakening of the United States.
- None of that mattered nor could even be spoken of - all were making ready for the GoldenAge of Obama
Oh...but now...
Now, as Obama continues to install beltway insiders, Chicago political hacks and old-school Clintonistas to his cabinet and appointment posts and only moves to expand and increase the goverment footprint...
NOW we start to hear the pro-active excuses - NOW we hear how :
"It's not his fault that he won't be able to follow-through on any of the Hype"
"Not even The One, sent from above, can hold to His Own Promises"
"He won't really be able to do any of the things he spent the past two years saying he would do."
"But it won't be his fault! The One cannot be held accountable His own failures which now must surely come - He is a higher being, and cannot be blamed!"
There will be only One Man to blame for Obama's coming failures, double-talk and broken promises...
Look at that - the Obamatons will get to go right on blaming Bush - just like they always have - just as their talents are singularly suited for...
No one will even have to remake the giant paper-mache heads they like to wave at protests, or create new effigies to burn... look at the time & work efficiency of that - how convenient!
And later, when Obama's relative lack of spine or willingness to back up failed "sanctions" becomes apparent to more than JUST the Russians ...
- and Iran, knowing that it will not face retaliatory strikes from a delibately-weakened US, decides to throw someone some canned-sunshine ...
Obama will need not worry about being blamed for his own fecklessness - because the usual suspects are already, proactively, hard at work blaming "Bush" for the presidential mistakes of the coming years...
All Hail The One - coming soon to the paper-dollar, too!
[Click on the title above, or date stamp below, to see the full article.]
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I Admit To Having Wondered...
Posted by
5:58 PM
Labels: Obama's Smoke n Mirrors
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I think my cockeyed optimism just took a left jab straight in the kisser. As you say, I don't know why I expected any different. At this point, I can only hope and pray that somehow they stay on the fringe, and that the majority of Democrats have come closer to their senses. The optimism is reeling, but it ain't out of the game yet.
ReplyDeleteThe Christian/Zionist Crusade against brown people may be more of a self-evident comment by your friend than you may realize.
ReplyDeleteThe obsession with Obama as a "savior" is mere propoganda created in large part by the right-wing to try to anger (pitifully I might add) the religious right and feed into the theocratic obsession with the nonsensical belief in the mythical creature known as the "anti-christ." Now, mind you, there are many on the left that have fallen into a pattern of responding to the hype created by the AM dial media, but the dogmatic tone being struck by the "strings" of the right is truly jaw-dropping. The creation of this caricature is a real eye-opener that exposes the concerted effort of the right to try and discredit America's new president as "something other than American/Christian/human et al." before he can even take office.
In early diatribe articles by the likes of right wing neo-cons like Caroline Glick-
and out-an-out crazies like Hal Lindsey-
there is an clear and unmistakable pattern of character assassination by the right wing. After having run out of ideas, after having lost the confidence of the American people, and having completely lost its intellectual honesty over the past 8 years, the right now seems to be reduced to the sad tauntings of a SIMPSONS cartoon bully. I guess this simply goes to show what I learned about fights long ago: when people lose a fist fight, they try to save what little dignity they think they have left by trying to convince their friends that they didn't get beaten up THAT badly. Poor right wing, maybe some bandaids and neo-sporin can save your party next election cycle... then again, maybe not.
And just for good measure, lets take a look all those "liberals" who think Obama is a savior and endorsed him on the 4th: LOL
ReplyDeleteJim Leach, Former Congressman from Iowa
"For me, the national interest comes before party concerns, particularly internationally. We do need a new direction in American policy, and Obama has a sense of that."
Lincoln Chafee, Former United States Senator from Rhode Island
"As I look at the candidates in order who to vote for, certainly my kind of conservatism was reflected with Senator Obama, and those points are that we're fiscally conservative, we care about revenues matching expenditures, we also care about the environment, I think it's a traditional conservative value to care about clean air and clean water."
William Weld, Former Governor of Massachusetts
"It's not often you get a guy with his combination of qualities, chief among which I would say is the deep sense of calm he displays, and I think that's a product of his equally deep intelligence."
Arne Carlson, Former Governor of Minnesota
"I think we have in Barack Obama the clear possibility of a truly great president. I would contend that it's the most important election of my lifetime."
Wayne Gilchrest, Congressman from Maryland
"We can't use four more years of the same kind of policy that's somewhat haphazard, which leads to recklessness."
Charles Mathias, Former United States Senator and Congressman from Maryland
"My decision is based on the long-range needs of our country and which of these two candidates I feel is better suited to recharge America's economic health, restore its prestige abroad and inspire anew all people who cherish freedom and equality. For me, that person is Barack Obama."
Larry Pressler, Former Senator from South Dakota
"I just got the feeling that Obama will be able to handle this financial crisis better, and I like his financial team of [former Treasury Secretary Robert] Rubin and [former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul] Volcker better."
Richard Riordan, Former Mayor of Los Angeles
"I'm still a Republican, but I still will always vote for the person who I think will do the best job."
Lowell Weicker, Former Governor and Senator from Connecticut
"At issue is not the partisan politics of two parties, rather the image we have of ourselves as Americans. Senator Obama brings wisdom, kindness, and common sense to what is both his and our quest for a better America."
Claudine Schneider, Former Congressman from Rhode Island
Harris Fawell, Former Congressman from Illinois
Jim Whitaker, Fairbanks, Alaska Mayor
"If we are as a nation concerned with energy, then our consideration should be a national energy policy that is not predicated on crude oil 50 years into the future. We need to get to it, and I think Barack Obama is very clear in that regard."
William Milliken, Former Governor of Michigan
Phil Arthurhultz, Former Michigan State Senate Majority Leader
"I think he has the ability to bring America back as Reagan's 'shining city on the hill' as a beacon of hope to people."
Lou Thieblemont, Mayor of Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
"I'm sick and tired of the politics of fear in this country. He's the only one who doesn't do that."
Linwood Holton, Former Governor of Virginia
"Obama has a brain, and he isn't afraid to use it."
Columnists and Academics:
Jeffrey Hart, National Review Senior Editor
"It turns out that these political parties are not always either liberal or conservative, Democratic or Republican. The Democrat, under certain conditions, can be the conservative."
Andrew Bacevich, Professor of International Relations at Boston University
"For conservatives, Obama represents a sliver of hope. McCain represents none at all. The choice turns out to be an easy one."
David Friedman, Economist and son of Milton and Rose Friedman
"I hope Obama wins. President Bush has clearly been a disaster from the standpoint of libertarians and conservatives because he has presided over an astonishing rise in government spending."
Christopher Buckley, Son of National Review founder William F. Buckley & former NR columnist
"Obama has in him-- I think, despite his sometimes airy-fairy 'We are the people we have been waiting for' silly rehtoric-- the potential to be a good, perhaps even great leader. He is, it seems clear enough, what the historical moment seems to be calling for."
Andrew Sullivan, Columnist for the Atlantic Monthly
"Obama's legislative record, speeches, and the way he has run his campaign reveal, I think, a very even temperament, a very sound judgment, and an intelligent pragmatism. Prudence is a word that is not inappropriate to him."
Wick Alison, Former publisher of the National Review
"I made the maximum donation to John McCain during the primaries, when there was still hope he might come to his senses. But I now see that Obama is almost the ideal candidate for this moment in American history."
Michael Smerconish, Columnist for the Philadelphia Enquirer
"...an Obama presidency holds the greatest chance for unifying us here at home and restoring our prestige around the globe."
CC Goldwater, Granddaughter of Barry Goldwater
"Nothing about the Republican tickets offers the hope America needs to regain its standing in the world, that's why we're going to support Barack Obama."
Government Officials:
Colin Powell, Secretary of State under Bush 43
"...he has met the standard of being a sucessful president, being an exceptional president. I think he is a transformational figure. He is a new generation coming into the world-- onto the world state, onto the American stage, and for that reason I'll be voting for Senator Barack Obama."
Ken Duberstein, White House Chief of Staff under Reagan
"Well let's put it this way-- I think Colin Powell's decision is in fact the good housekeeping seal of approval on Barack Obama."
Douglas Kmiec, Head of the Office of Legal Counsel under Reagan & Bush 41
"I was first attracted to government by Ronald Reagan, who lives in our national memory as a great leader and an inspiring communicator. Senator Obama has these gifts as well, but of course, more rhetorical flourish without substance would be worth little. Is there more to Senator Obama? I believe there is."
Charles Fried, Solicitor General of the United States under Reagan
"I admire Senator McCain and was glad to help in his campaign, and to be listed as doing so; but when I concluded that I must vote for Obama for the reason states in my letter, I felt it wrong to appear to be recommending to others a vote that I was not prepared to cast myself."
Jackson M. Andrews, Former Counsel to the U.S. Senate, & 1986 Republican Senatorial Nominee for Kentucky
"Barack Obama is a thoughtful visionary leader who as President will end the decline of American law, liberty, and fiscal responsibility that are the hallmarks of the extremist policies of the current Administration, now adopted by John McCain."
Susan Eisenhower, Granddaughter of President Eisenhower & President of the Eisenhower Group
"Given Obama's support among young people, I believe that he will be most invested in defending the interests of these rising generations and, therefore, the long-term interests of this nation as a whole."
Francis Fukuyama, Advisor to President Reagan
"...Obama probably has the greatest promise of delivering a different kind of politics."
Rita Hauser, Former White House intelligence advisor under George W. Bush
"McCain will continue the wrong-headed foreign policy decisions of Bush, while Obama will take us in a new direction."
Larry Hunter, Former President Reagan Policy Advisor
"I suspect Obama is more free-market friendly than he lets on. He taught at the University of Chicago, a hotbed of right-of-center thought. His economic advisers, notably Austan Goolsbee, recognize that ordinary citizens stand to gain more from open markets than from government meddling."
Scott McClellan, Former Press Secretary to President George W. Bush
"From the beginning I have said I am going to support the candidate that has the best chance for changing the way Washington works and getting things done and I will be voting for Barack Obama and clapping."
Bill Ruckelshaus, Served in the Nixon and Reagan administrations
"I'm not against McCain, I'm for Obama."
Ken Adelman, Served in the Ford administration
"The most important decision John McCain made in his long campaign was deciding on a running mate. That decision showed appalling lack of judgment... that selection contradicted McCain's main two, and best two, themes for his campaign-- Country First, and experience counts. Neither can he credibly claim, post-Palin pick."
Lilibet Hagel, Wife of Republican Senator Chuck Hagel
"This election is not about fighting phantom issues churned out by a top-notch slander machine. Most important, it is not about distracting the public-- you and me-- with whatever slurs someone thinks will stick."
Bruce Rabb, Served in the Nixon administration
George C. Lodge, Assistant Secretary of Labor under President Eisenhower
William B. Ewald, Jr., Special Assistant under President Eisenhower
Robert R. Bowie, Assistant Secretary for Policy Planning, Department of state 1953-1957
Jarold Kieffer, Assistant Secretary, Health, Education & Welfare, 1959-61
Roswell B. Perkins, Assistant Secretary, Health, Education & Welfare, 1954-56
Timothy Ashby, Served in the Reagan and Bush 41 administrations
"America needs a courageous and innovative president rather than one such as John McCain who would only perpetuate the failed Bush policies. On Nov. 4, this Reagan Republican is voting for Barack Obama."
Richard S. Seline, Finance Director, Republican Party of Texas
"Why do I support Obama as a Republican? His vision and focus is what I want for my child and my country."
David Caprara, Faith-Based Initiatives Director, Federal Volunteer Service Agency under Bush 43
"As president, Barack Obama would take the faith-based initiative started by President Bush to a new level in global affairs."
John Perry Barlow, Former Dick Cheney Campaign Manager
So Bush...
ReplyDelete1. Engineered the nomination of Barack Obama;
2. Engineered the election of Barack Obama;
3. Did it all without ANYONE being the wiser;
4. Decided 2 years ago to tank the economy to discredit his chosen successor;
5. Controlls the economy with special levers and dials in the West Wing, carefully calibrated to make recovery impossible - again, without anyone discovering his nefarious plan; and
6. Hates black people despite having more of them in his cabinet than any President before him.
Man - and here I thought he was a chimpy village idiot being missed in TX!
Please tell me your friend doesn't vote here.
All those Obama supporters are in for a rude, rude awakening. Life's a little tougher when the buck actually stops with you - or your guy...
The squabbling continues. I think Paris Hilton should have been president. Only she could truly bring us all together. In fact I still think she's the real Messiah.
You really know how to cut-n-paste.
Really something, there.
- MuscleDaddy
Has anyone else noticed that there is never any actual reasoning in our troll's posts? It's either completely gratuitous attacks against those it doesn't like, or as MD mentioned cut-n-paste of voluminous but essentially meaningless material intended to somehow cow us into submission. What a waste of protein our troll is!
ReplyDeleteI don't know. I feel pretty cowed, knowing that some Troll is dedicating so many minutes to set me right by quoting the same Republicans it despised with every fiber of its sorry being just a year ago.
ReplyDeleteI, for one, consider it a compliment to have resident troll(s). There are probably hundreds of thousands of blogs in the Dextrosphere; most don't have any trolls at all. It's really a shame.
ReplyDeleteBut you can make a difference. Your small donation of $1.69 a day will sponsor a troll to make you feel like you're actually important enough to have one. Now that the Axelrod Astroturf Auxiliaries no longer have an election to win, we can match you up with an experienced troll. Our business model is simple; instead of some nebulous "hopenchange", we offer the troll something tangible: "You get sixty-nine every day!". Since he's never had a female in his room (other than his mother), this is enough to make him eager to sign up to provide the service.
The remaining $1/day we collect from each site goes to pay for the overhead of operating the program, including the productivity facilitation efforts that provide our program coordinator an environment to foster development of effective strategies to improve its operation.
Yes, you can make a difference in the life of a lonely troll and give your blog what it needs to be seen as a player in the 'sphere. In this season of giving, give yourself the present of your very own troll.